To receive full store credit towards the purchase of a new Surface Pro 4, customer. There is a Windows logo and two columns behind the kickstand.Exclusions may apply. Surface Pro 4 powers through everything you need to do, while.The serial number on the back of the Surface Pro/RT tablet under the kickstand. Surface pro 4 serial number check Product Features. Find more step-by-step device tutorials on att.com. Get Microsoft Surface 3 (1657) Windows 10 support for the topic: Find IMEI & serial number.

(price varies, $20-70, whatever)Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means that the phone will be tied to AT&T, correct? Not that it won't work? I have AT&T because of work, so I won't be leaving them any time soon (by the time I do, this phone will probably be ancient or sold). It would be best to try to get it unlocked from the seller, but if the seller refuses, vanishes, or can't contact the original buyer, consider it locked forever, or extra money sunk into unlocking it via a third party. Oh, I forgot, ATT will refuse to unlock the device if you are not the original owner regardless of circumstances.